鸭骨粉设备 常德肉骨粉设备 货源充足

北海2023-05-12 07:05:38
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联系人:杨兴业 北海新宏恒达机械设备有限公司是一家具有二十年经验、生产湿法肉骨粉成套设备、湿法鱼粉鱼油成套设备的公司。公司研发出一系列各种规格和处理能力的成套设备,满足不同客户的需求。同时,公司也可根据客户的具体需求特别订制。北海新宠恒达机械设备有限公司多年来致力于提升设备的品质,其生产的设备在质量及性能方面均处于行业前列。 4. 蛋白水浓缩工艺Protein water concentration process 1) 离心机分离得到的②蛋白水液中含固体量一般情况约为5%,水分95%;送入浓缩设备进行浓缩,浓缩设备将大量水分蒸发掉,剩余的液体中含固量为50%,水分为50%;这样能够节约大量能源、节省蒸汽成本。(见浓缩设备工艺流程第3点。) The amount of solids in the ②protein water is about 5%, the moisture is 95%. The protein water comes into the evaporator to concentrate as the machine evaporates a lot of water, and the remaining liquid contains 50% of solid, and 50% of moisture. In this way a huge energy and steam cost can be saved. (see Concentration process below). Beihai Xinhong Hengda Mechanical Equipment Co., Ltd can come up with the best solution that meets our customers’ need no matter where they are and no matter the practical needs are. We can help our customers to make project planning, including site design, production line equipment configuration, optimization of equipment performance or cost-saving optimization. In short, the company can provide customers with "turnkey" projects. With our professional knowledge and services, whether the investors have the relevant experience or not, Beihai Xinhon Hengda is able to help customers to achieve fruitful results in a short period. 北海新宏恒达机械设备有限公司可以根据不同国家、不同客户的实际情况和需求,为客户量身打造的解决方案,包括项目进行规划包括场地设计、生产线设备配置、优化设备性能或进行节省成本的优化。除了对项目进行规划,公司还可负责进行全线设备的安装和试产调试,以确保整个生产线匹配客户的需要并处于工作状态。简言之,公司可为客户提供“交钥匙”工程。不管是有无从业经验的投资者,公司均可以的知识和服务迅速帮助客户在行业中取得丰硕成果。 BEIHAI XINHONG HENGDA MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. is a company with more than 20 years of experience, specializing in the rendering industry, and is a professional manufacturer of processing equipment for fishmeal and fish oil, meat and bone meal, and poultry byproduct meal, etc. BEIHAI XINHONG HENGDA has developed and provided a series of various specifications and processing capacity of equipment to meet the different needs of customers. Besides, BEIHAI XINHONG HENGDA has over the years committed to improve the quality of equipment, whose products have been long at the forefront of the industry in terms of quality and performance.
鸭骨粉设备 常德肉骨粉设备 货源充足 - 图片 1
鸭骨粉设备 常德肉骨粉设备 货源充足 - 图片 2