猪骨粉设备 商丘肉骨粉设备
北海2023-04-25 06:43:57
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The raw materials (usually fish) will be purchased to the factory, then/or put into the freezer warehouse before being sent to the Cooker then Press. Cooking temperature is more than 95 ℃, and after heating raw materials to be fully cooked, as well as sterilization, cooked raw materials will go into the press. The press separates the fully cooked raw materials into two parts, solid and liquid.
4. 蛋白水浓缩工艺Protein water concentration process
1) 离心机分离得到的②蛋白水液中含固体量一般情况约为5%,水分95%;送入浓缩设备进行浓缩,浓缩设备将大量水分蒸发掉,剩余的液体中含固量为50%,水分为50%;这样能够节约大量能源、节省蒸汽成本。(见浓缩设备工艺流程第3点。)
The amount of solids in the ②protein water is about 5%, the moisture is 95%. The protein water comes into the evaporator to concentrate as the machine evaporates a lot of water, and the remaining liquid contains 50% of solid, and 50% of moisture. In this way a huge energy and steam cost can be saved. (see Concentration process below).
2) 浓缩完成后的液体被输送至干燥机(同鱼粉生产工艺流程第4步),与榨饼一起经过干燥机的加热脱水处理,后成为成品鱼粉。
After the concentration the liquid is transported to the Dryer (same as the fishmeal production process step 4), mixing with the presscake in the Dryer to dehydrate and finally to become the powder of fish meal.
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