南宁肉骨粉设备 货源充足

北海2023-04-24 06:42:26
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联系人:杨兴业 我们真诚希望能够为新老客户创造效益,服务好所有的客户。我们诚挚欢迎各位新老客户与我们一起创造更美好的事业。 We sincerely hope to be able to create benefits for all our customers, good service to all customers. We sincerely welcome every customer to cooperate with us to create a better future. 而液体经过离心机后,分离出动物油和含有部分蛋白质及其它物质的蛋白水液。鱼油存储于油罐中作为副产品外售。蛋白水液中大致有5%的固体含量,经送到浓缩设备将大量水分蒸发掉,将浓缩后成品的含固量为50%,将此蛋白水液送入干燥机乾烘干,可增加骨粉的产量和蛋白质比例。 After the liquid passes through the Tricanter, the fish oil and the protein water are isolated. Fish oil is stored in oil tanks and sold as a by-product. Protein water has roughly 5% of the solid content and then to be evaporated a large amount of water in the evaporator device. After that, the liquid has 50% of protein solid, which then will be sent to a Dryer. In this way, we can increase the fishmeal yield and protein ratio. 粉生产工艺Fish Meal Production process 1) 原料进入储料库暂时存储,后送入原料池,然后通过螺旋输送机(地绞龙)运送,通过金属探测器的检测,后进入Cooker; ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************) 蒸煮机采用蒸汽作为热源,间接对原料加热。加热温度可达95℃以上,不仅可对物料进行有效 ,且能将物料充分、均匀地煮熟。充分煮熟的物料可以很方便地进行脱水、脱脂处理;随后 The Cooker uses steam as a heat source and indirectly heats the raw material. Heating temperature is up to 95℃, not only the material can be effectively sterilized, but also can be fully and evenly cooked. Fully cooked materials can be easily dehydrated, skim treatment afterwards. The company introduced the European ATLAS advanced production technology, coupled with professional and technical R&D team many years of practical experience in the field, successfully developed a series of various specifications and processing capacity of equipment for fishmeal and fish oil, meat and bone meal, and poultry byproduct meal, etc. The equipment has a capacity ranging from 80 tons to 600 tons per 24 hours. A series of production line equipment such as Cooker, Press, Dryer, Cooler, Evaporator, have the best performance, quality, and stability in the industry. 自2016以来,北海新宏恒达机械设备有限公司在设备的研制上取得突破进展。在之前,由于国产设备及工艺均比较落后,特别是在处理油脂的工艺上较国外产品有较大差距。原国内设备工艺在处理油脂时,多只能做到23-32%的油脂含量。而经过孜孜不倦的努力,北海新宏恒达公司的新工艺新设备均能脱脂到12%以下,成为国内鱼粉设备树一帜的,赢得了更多的客户和市场。随着公司在软件硬件上的不断投入,新宏恒达已经成为国内外行业内的之一