牛骨粉设备 泰州肉骨粉设备

北海2023-04-21 06:39:21
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联系人:杨兴业 粉生产工艺Fish Meal Production process 1) 原料进入储料库暂时存储,后送入原料池,然后通过螺旋输送机(地绞龙)运送,通过金属探测器的检测,后进入Cooker; ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************) 蒸煮机采用蒸汽作为热源,间接对原料加热。加热温度可达95℃以上,不仅可对物料进行有效 ,且能将物料充分、均匀地煮熟。充分煮熟的物料可以很方便地进行脱水、脱脂处理;随后 The Cooker uses steam as a heat source and indirectly heats the raw material. Heating temperature is up to 95℃, not only the material can be effectively sterilized, but also can be fully and evenly cooked. Fully cooked materials can be easily dehydrated, skim treatment afterwards. 北海新宏恒达机械设备有限公司可以根据不同国家、不同客户的实际情况和需求,为客户量身打造的解决方案,包括项目进行规划包括场地设计、生产线设备配置、优化设备性能或进行节省成本的优化。除了对项目进行规划,公司还可负责进行全线设备的安装和试产调试,以确保整个生产线匹配客户的需要并处于工作状态。简言之,公司可为客户提供“交钥匙”工程。不管是有无从业经验的投资者,公司均可以的知识和服务迅速帮助客户在行业中取得丰硕成果。 With the best hope to solve the customer's worries, Beihai Xinhong Hengda has developed a scientific management system and perfect after-sales service system. We strives for perfection in after-sales service to satisfy every customer. We provide one-year, free-of-charge warranty, as well as the life-long service of repair, upgrade, and technical support services to service our customers to the end. The company has also set up several after-sales service centers at home and abroad. In addition to the domestic after-sales service center, we respectively set up after-sales service stations in India and Mauritania, where the long-term stationed technical staff is providing rapid responses to surrounding customers. In the future, a number of service centers will also be established to better serve customers. At the same time, the after-sales team can also help customers upgrade new equipment, new processes, as well as advice the improvement for the customer’s old production machines as well as the improvement for the product’s quality. 北海新宏恒达机械设备有限公司前身是北海市新宏鱼粉设备有限公司,拥有多年的设备研发、生产、安装和调试维护经验。其团队拥有大量从业超过20年、经验丰富的,公司在科研方面投入大量资源,获得国家创新基金奖励,获得等荣誉证书。每年申请、获得国家专利、新型实用专利数项。其中在干燥机方面获得了多项国家专利,使得在产品特别是干燥机、浓缩设备、除臭设备等性能树一帜。 2) 浓缩完成后的液体被输送至干燥机(同鱼粉生产工艺流程第4步),与榨饼一起经过干燥机的加热脱水处理,后成为成品鱼粉。 After the concentration the liquid is transported to the Dryer (same as the fishmeal production process step 4), mixing with the presscake in the Dryer to dehydrate and finally to become the powder of fish meal
牛骨粉设备 泰州肉骨粉设备 - 图片 1
牛骨粉设备 泰州肉骨粉设备 - 图片 2